Standout Sponsorship Pitches: Part 2 – What is Brand Activation?

When I started writing about brand awareness, brand activation, and brand consideration last week, I intended to write one blog post about all three concepts. As I wrote, however, I realized the true gravity that centers around our racers’ understanding of how and when to pitch each of these marketing tactics. If we take a giant step backwards, the question we should be asking ourselves is “Why do businesses partner with racers?” Without a doubt, the overwhelming majority of businesses partner with racers to increase their own sales.  

Have you ever heard of a sales funnel? A sales funnel is a graphic representation of the process that leads a customer to purchase from a brand. At the top, wide part of the funnel, you’ll find the largest number of potential customers and at the bottom, narrowest part of the funnel, you’ll find the smaller number of folks who purchase and repurchase the products the brand sells. Do a quick google and you’ll see that there are a BUNCH of ways to label a sales funnel, but all brands are looking to get more people to make it all the way through the funnel. 

As racers, if we can understand what that funnel looks like (and where customers are falling out of it) for each brand we’re working with, we can offer solutions that best drive customers towards making a purchase. Last week, we dove into brand awareness: what it is, when it’s valuable, and how to deliver it. Brand awareness is a sales tactic that pulls customers into the top of the sales funnel. Today, I'm going to spotlight brand activation – a buzzword we hear often, but one that’s worth breaking down into simple, actionable terms. Brand activation helps pull customers down into the funnel, one step closer to your business partner making a sale. 

What is Brand Activation?

Think of brand activation as turning awareness into action. It’s the moment when an audience doesn’t just recognize a brand but engages with it. Don’t be fooled - we’re not talking about making purchases, yet. We’re still pretty high in the marketing funnel. 

Think about the number of events you’ve been at where Red Bull reps are walking around, handing out free cans of their energy drink. Red Bull is a recognizable brand – they're not seeking brand awareness in this form of marketing. Instead, they’re getting their product into the hands of their target audience and activating it. 

For racers, this often looks like getting your audience to try, buy, or directly interact with a sponsor’s product or service. This could be offering a discount code, giving away branded swag, offering samples, or demonstrating or showcasing a product. It’s about moving the needle from “I’ve heard of them” to “I’m trying them.” 

When Should I Sell Brand Activation? 

Brand activation is most valuable when a brand already has some level of awareness and they’re trying to gain more traction in a specific market. This makes activation a great fit for established companies or niche brands who are attempting to increase market share in their industry or in your audience’s demographic. 

We had an interesting conversation while we were at PRI with one of the marketing folks from Insta360. He told us they’ve had a ton of success selling to motorcyclists who use their cameras on the street, but they’re trying to determine how to grow their market outside of the two-wheeled niche. Traditionally, GoPro has been the action camera with the largest share of the market in motorsports, so Insta360 was trying to figure out how to get more buyers in that space. If this company was looking to partner with a racer, this would be a perfect example of when to sell brand activation. Many folks in motorsports have heard of Insta360, but they probably haven’t tried their product. Getting potential customers’ hands on the cameras could move them further down the sales funnel. 

How Do I Provide Brand Activation? 

While brand activation strategies can vary widely, here are some proven tactics tailored for racers: 

Share Hands-On Experiences. Put the product in front of folks, either virtually or in real-life. If you have a tire sponsor, make a video talking about how the tire feels or performs in certain conditions. For a partner that sells hand soap, set up a station at the track where folks with greasy hands can wash with your hand cleaner. The more creative ways you can get your customers’ products into your audience’s hands and minds, the more value you can provide a brand who is looking for brand activation. 

Highlight Exclusive Offers. People love a good deal, especially when it feels tailored to them. Partner with your sponsor to offer discounts or special promotions to your audience. Hand out coupons or virtual coupon codes to folks who stop by your pits or comment on a post. Even better – if you have a personalized code, you can show your partner how much traffic you’ve sent their way. 

Bring the Brand to the Track. Activation doesn’t have to stay online. Invite your audience to interact with your sponsors in person. Whether it’s setting up a booth at a race or handing out product samples in your pits, these real-world connections can leave lasting impressions. 

Collaborate on Content. Co-create videos, tutorials, or how-tos featuring your sponsor’s products. For example, a short video showing how [Brand’s] tires perform on different track conditions can both educate and activate your audience. 

Be Genuine and Transparent. Audiences can tell when something feels forced. Activation works best when your enthusiasm is real. Pick sponsors you genuinely believe in, and your authenticity will resonate. 

At its heart, brand activation is about building a bridge between awareness and making a decision to buy. It’s about helping your audience take that first step toward becoming customers. When done right, activation is a win-win: your sponsors see measurable results, and your audience feels engaged and valued. 

So, as you gear up for the season, think about how you can bring your partners’ brands to life in fresh, meaningful ways. Next week, we’ll explore brand consideration, diving into the art of earning trust and building long-term loyalty. Stay tuned! 

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